Optimirror Delivers

Optimize Financial Position Goals

a)      Income, Expenses, Taxes, Inflation

b)      Liability Management

c)      Cash Flow left on the table

d)      Fixed Income Account / Laddered Bond Portfolio

e)      Net Worth

f)       Actuals Review

Optimize Income Replacement Goals

a)      Life & Disability

b)      Long Term Care

Optimize Investment Goals

a)      Education  Funding

b)      Pre Tax Retirement Accumulation

c)      Power of Tax Deferral

d)      Tax Deferred versus Tax Free

e)      Impact of Portfolio Optimization

f)       Order of Importance Goal Optimization

g)      Taxable, Tax Free, Tax Differed Distribution Planning

Optimize Legacy Goals

a)      Special Needs Trust Funding

b)      Gifting

c)      Estate Tax Alerts

d)      Charitable Trusts Funding & Review

e)      Marital and Spousal Trust Distribution

f)       Impact of Gifting

g)      ILIT Affordability


To schedule a webinar of Optimirror send an e-mail to David.Wilson@cybarfinancial.com

More information can be found at Cybar Financial LLC, www.cybarfinancial.com